speaking of customs, let me tell you about getting into Argentina and how they didnt stamp my passport.... :( and (skipping ahead in time) how when i came back across the border, i put my super cute puppy please with a cherry on top face to ask if the nice argentinian man could stamp my passport real quick, and got denied.... stingy passport man! :P oh well, its not like i didnt go to argentina, i totally have a picture of the welcome to argentina sign soooooo, PROOF!
so this 8+ hour bus ride was ridiculous, but alot of fun. it was definitley the way to travel, as miley cyrus says: its about the climb or something like that.... i dont really know but i know its about the journey. and it was a fun journey with me and 8 other gringos from Chile. I was sad we didnt have a double decker bus but never fear, that was rectified for the journey back. :D At the end of this post I will throw in a whole load of pictures so itll be like you were there!!!!
Getting to the actual being in Argentina part.... the first night, we split up into two groups for dinner arrangements... one group went for steak and pub crawling type night and the other (aka what i did) walked around the area we were staying in and found a wonderful restaurant with a nice waiter that found it adorable (code for most likely the most obnoxious gringos hes met, ever.) that we couldnt get enough "Agua de Jyave (llave)" which is tap water. hey, we were thirsty after all the bussing.... After awhile he just kept bring out pitchers ever few minutes. maybe he got the hint? this place had incredible pizza! i wish i remembered the name so i could suggest it... but it was sooo delicious, it could have been that i was just starved from only eating cookies, alfajores and sprim pina juice all day on the bus but i believe it was honestly super yummy. After dinner we took our time walking back to the hostel and decided as a group we didnt want to go out but we did decide to watch a movie, make friends with the hostel worker patrick from california and get a caja de vino tinto... for those of you who are english speakers that means box of red wine... it sounds as sketch as it tasted. but we thought, hey we're in argentina, its beef and wine country lets get this started!
never fear, we moved on the next day to try real wine.. oh and that lil egg was a chocolate egg with a prize inside.. hello my name is casey and im 7 and 3 quarters |
So I finally got to see Shutter Island, oh my holy moley that was a sketchy movie. At one point (around midnight or later.....) there was a point where a scary insane person jumped from the shadows and i screamed louder than ever and made everyone in the common area of the hostel jump and come see what the heck happened.... but you see, in south america, midnight isnt really that late for people so it was fine.. i hope!
Moving on to the first day, saturday, we did a biking vinyard/winery tour. basically the hostel set us up with a bike shop "Mr Hugo" (a really sweet guy with super cool cruiser bikes and tandums!)
didnt actually tandum, decided itd be safer to go solo :( |
So the first winery we visited was less vinyard and more dark dungeoun winery style which was fun but not that interesting because we were inside on a beautiful day. the next place we visited was my favorite. Owned by a swiss man, son of a french guy that worked in the best absinthe factory of france back in the day... he had a little quaint house with an open kitchen where we could see him cooking up his delightful creations. He made everything from olive oil, to fudge, to liquors and absinthe to dulce de leche and other jams. oh my ask me about his smoked queso, it was incredible!!! when the tour was over he prepared a tasting for us in which we first tried his olive oil and balsamic vinegarette, then his marmalades and mustards and such. and then we moved to the liquors..... I had been in Guys and Dolls this past spring and the drink of choice in the musical was dulce de leche... I didnt know this was a real beverage until now. it was not my preference personally, it was a bit too sweet but not in a caramely way which made me sad. a few of the girls in the group decided to try the absinthe, one had had it before, so i began considering trying it... I mean I have always thought about it but I would never do it unless it was made properly and served according to the way its supposed to. as he began preparing their tasting I was enchanted by the flaming sugar and decided that since this man made it himself and its traditional and what not that I should atleast try it....
here i go... |
never again, that was shadynasty, yucktastic |
That night, the pizza eaters decided it was necessary to try steak while in Argentina so we went to a great restaurant... well there is a back story, our friends told us one restaurant and patrick the nice hostel man told us another. so we went to patricks but it was uncharacteristically expensive, because no one else was willing to walk to the restaurant next to the one we were at (the one our friends suggested) and check out their prices I volunteered of course.... i got a stare down but hey, if youre going to charge 5-10 dollars more than the restaurant next to you, you deserve to watch the second restaurant get your customers. so we had to awkwardly get up from the table (the hadnt served us anything yet so it was fine) although two of us did use their restroom so it was a walk of shame from one restaurant to the other.... but we made a good choice, it was a delicious amazing dinner
At dinner it was my and three other of the gringos, its really funny how similarly we found ourselves thinking. The other gringos had brought up going out and meeting up with other other gringos that happened to be in mendoza too before we left so i brought it up again at dinner asking "so do you think you guys are wanting to go out tonight?" there was silence and some hmphs and hmms and very concentrated faces deciding if they wanted to... or from it appeared to me trying to find a way to say no not at all, after a few awkward paused moments i said "throwin it out there, dont let me effect your decision but i am not" the bike tour had wiped this lil gringa out... after i put that on the table we all sighed of relief knowing that we all had the same thoughts. our favourite phrase this weekend became "well i mean if you want to Ill go but...." it was a great group of people to spend my weekend with, we were there to chill with no schedule and just have a fun time. Rather than doing absolutely nothing, we went for a short walk later that night in search of mani (peanuts) to eat while watching a movie. We did not find any as it was very very late when we finally got back and decided what we wanted to do, but thanks to our lack of schedule and adventurous spirits we ended up on a random block (across the way from the hostel) after just having said, well i guess if we cant find mani id be into having a tub of ice cream for the movie.... lo and behold, we stumble into an amazing ice cream joint!
you see those prices, remember its 4-1 :D oh yes, i have arrived in heaven. we went there two nights in a row, the cashier lady hated us unfortunately. she kept yelling at us while we were trying to decide what we wanted "QUE VAS A LLEVAR!!??" what do you want!!!, very frustrating when trying to decide amongst three people if we could eat a whole 1/2 kilo together or not.... once we finally paid and got her off our back we could start choosing flavours, which was a super fun process because both nights the ice cream boys that served us were amazing and kept offering tastes of different flavours. While we were deciding however, this cashier lady (didnt have the rush she let on while yelling at us telling us to order now) took a taster spoon had a scoop of a flavour, then licked it all up and moved on to another flavour with the SAME spoon... from then on she was the double dipper "double d"... but the ice cream was worth it and us being friends with the servers got us extra free stuff like chocolate niblets the first night and extra amounts and free flavours the second :D
On Sunday we split up again, James Allison and I decided to walk around mendoza without a specific destination. We ended up in a few of the plazas (mini parks) and began a judging process of which plaza was the best. we settled that Plaza Italia was the best because it had a merrygoround and a seesaw :D we played for soooo long (did i mention im 7 and 3 quarters?)
We reunited with the rest of our gringos in the Parque on the OTHER side of Mendoza, Aka we walked the entire length of the city plus some, but it was great! we grabbed a light lunch there and walked around the park for awhile, we stumbled upon a fiesta with traditional argentinian dances which was especially cool because allison (the blonde friend) and I are in a Danzas Tradicionales of Chile class together.
After another long day running around the city of Mendoza we took the night off and stayed in. The next morning (monday) we had to be up early to make it to the bus station on time. This time we had a classy bus company, with a double decker bus which of course made this camper extra happy.
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thats not a peace sign, its me showing you there are TWO floors to this bus.. Andes here we come :) |
We arrived back in Chile just in time for Once (german style dinner) which was a perfect relaxing way to end the trip. This morning I was woken up by the beginning of fiestas patrias (the independence day). A parade of highschool/middleschool age kids made theyre way up my street playing a marching band. This year is Chile's bicentennial and I am thoroughly excited to experience it. I hope to upload many pictures as well as many stories about how it is soon, the entire country is shutting down for fourdays.. as in it is illegal to work friday saturday sunday and monday! except for the bus drivers and maybe some others too. Apparently its going to be a crazy insane week.
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